Easy Ways to Check KK Online West Java : Wallpaper

Check the West Java KK number using the Internet


When taking care of administrative files and there are insufficient personal data, you should  check the West Java Online Family Card via internalt. Especially if you are far from home and only have an ID card, it is very difficult if you first have to contact the person at home.

At the moment, the existence of a family card (KK) is indeed very important, because in various institutions KK number data are very necessary. Even for the phone card registration process, it is also required. So, for those of you who don’t have this card, you need to take care of the registration at this time. Because it will be needed later for different needs.

The existence of a family card is useful not only for dealing with government offices, but also with financial institutions, schools and others. Without KK, the administrative process will often be hampered. Because the number listed in it is an identity for both the family and the members in it.

Creating a family card is not only possible at the Dukcapil office, but there are also online services available. Because during the pandemic, almost all government services are carried out online so as not to create crowds. You can also use it for data change services and missing KK reporting.

However, you can rely on online services opened by any civil registry office in any region. Well, before you go any further about this online service, you need to know the importance of KK and various other information. Let’s look at the following description.

The right of citizens to have a family card

All citizens are entitled to and required to have a family card. However, unlike an ID card that is owned by one person per person, a KK can be owned by several people at once. Because it contains information about each family member. For example, father, mother, son or plus grandma and grandpa.

The family card is not only owned by the head of the family, although it does contain a description of the family arrangement and the head of the family is in the first serial number. Any member included in it can use the KK to supplement administrative needs.

Checking the current West Java KK number can be done in a simple way at any time. Because in today’s sophisticated era, you can use the internet as a source of various information. It is only necessary to find out through search engines and the desired information will be available.

To create a family card, you need to draw up several requirements, namely a cover letter of rt affixed with rw’s signature, aphotocopyof the marriage book or certificate and other supporting certificates. The production process can be done by visiting the dukcapil office or doing it online.

It’s not just data creation and refresh services that can use online services. Checking the West Java KK number is also a feature of online services on officials’ sites. Considering that not everyone can remember the song, especially if it is only used at any time.

The importance of family cards in administrative files

Checking KK Online West Java can only be done by people who already have it. Having a KK is mandatory for all Indonesian people as this certificate can be used for various administrative needs, including:

  1. Required for the process of creating an ID card

Data for making identity cards are extracted from the KK, because it contains all the NIK and other important information. Meanwhile, additional information will be obtained while creating an ID card.


  1. It is necessary to open a savings account

When you want to open a savings account, you must also withdraw a KK. This requirement applies to all national banks. If you do not include it, the submitted registration will be rejected because there are not enough conditions.


  1. It is necessary to make a birth certificate

A birth certificate or birth certificate is important as a child’s identity before the age at which the child can get an ID card. When making a deed, KK is very necessary as parental information that will form the basis for making a deed later. Without a family card, the process of creating a birth certificate is hampered.


  1. Required for credit application

Applications for loans for vehicles, homes and even electronic goods also require a family card so that the data provided is fully valid so that the credit application can be approved.


  1. Required for the manufacture of a passport

If you want to go abroad, a passport is required, and the process of creating a passport must include a birth certificate, family card, and ID card or diploma. For making and forgetting the KK number online, you can check the West Java KK number on the capil setup page.

Don’t have a KK yet, you can make it online

If you still don’t have a KK, you don’t have to worry because you can make it online, especially for couples who have just gotten married, you need to take care of it immediately so that you don’t have any problems in the future. Because nowadays, arranging various things requires this family arrangement letter. Here is the full procedure:

  1. First ask for a cover letter to RT, make sure that the letter is also signed by RW.
  2. Request a registration form in the village by adding an RT cover letter and fill in the form completely.
  3. Take a picture of the form after filling out and ask for the official Dukcapil number to the village for online registration application.
  4. Then wait for the production process and check the West Java Online KK after it is declared complete.

Another way is to register on the official website of the West Java Civil Registry office. Register when registration is open. Each Dukcapil has certain registration hours and quota limits. After completing the form, include a photo of the marriage certificate plus the RT cover letter.

Easy Ways to Check KK Online West Java

Sometimes you need information about the family card number at critical moments and in a short time. For example, with online registration. When you encounter a situation like this, don’t panic just yet. Because there are several ways that can help you overcome it immediately. Especially if you have a mobile phone with an internet connection, everything will be easy.

The Internet as a technology product can provide you with convenience, including providing an easy way to check the West Java Online Family Card.  You don’t have to go home or contact people at home, just do it this way:

  1. Chat service. The number +62811-800-537-3 can be reached via WA chat message. Use the format name-nik (can be seen on the KTP)-phone-no.problem.
  2. Use the 24-hour assistance service by email to the address: callcenter.dukcapil@gmail.com with the contents of the name email, nik according to the resident’s card and personal details on other ID cards. Enter the subject of the email with a request for information about the family card number.
  3. From the Home Office website, select the menu to find the number of the family card, then enter the main number of the population and wait for a while for the required information to appear. The address of the site is dukcapil.kemendagri.go.id.
  4. Create an account on the website of the civil registry online service and then go to the search service for population data and you will find the required data. The address of the site: layananonline.dukcapil.kemendagri.go.id.
  5. Use your social media account and visit the fb page of the Directorate General of Dukcapil or @ccdukcapil (twitter) and then send a DM to the administrator based on the problem.

According to its function as a citizen identity, every Indonesian citizen and foreigner must have a family card. Not only as an identity, but also used to fill in various administrative files. Just now, creating and checking the West Java Online KK can be done using the internet.

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