Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur

Hello Sobat Bisnis! If you’re interested in starting your own mobile credit or pulsa business, then you might want to consider partnering with Yusuf Mansur. In this article, we’ll be discussing his business model, how it works, and how you can get started on this lucrative venture.

Who is Yusuf Mansur?

Yusuf Mansur is a well-known Indonesian entrepreneur, author, and Islamic preacher. He is the founder of several companies, including Bisnis Syariah and Bisnis Qur’an, which promote Islamic values in business practices. His popular TV program, “Mata Najwa: Yusuf Mansur, Kisah Sukses Berbisnis dalam Cahaya Islam” discusses his success in business from the perspective of Islamic teachings.

Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur is one of his latest ventures in the world of business. He has been able to leverage his popularity and success as a preacher to create a lucrative pulsa business model that benefits both his partners and customers.

What is Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur?

Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur is a unique pulsa distribution business model that focuses on empowering its partners. The business model is based on the concept of synergy, where everyone in the system benefits from the efforts of others.

The business model works by partnering with people who want to start their own pulsa business. Yusuf Mansur provides the infrastructure, resources, and support needed to get started. Partners are then responsible for managing their own businesses, marketing the products to customers, and earning commissions on their sales.

Through this business model, Yusuf Mansur has been able to create a huge network of partners who all support each other in their businesses. This creates a win-win situation for everyone involved, where partners can earn a sustainable income while providing affordable pulsa products to their customers.

How Does Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur Work?

The Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur business model is very simple and easy to understand. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Become a partner by registering on the Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur website.
  2. Purchase pulsa stock from Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur at a discounted rate.
  3. Sell the pulsa products to customers at a markup price to earn commission.
  4. Receive commissions and bonuses based on your sales performance and the performance of your downlines (partners that you recruit).

One of the key benefits of partnering with Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur is that partners have the freedom to manage their own businesses. They can set their own prices, choose their own marketing strategies, and decide which products to sell. This means that partners have complete control over their own businesses.

What Are the Benefits of Partnering with Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur?

There are many benefits to partnering with Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur. Here are some of the main ones:

Low startup costs

Partnering with Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur requires very little startup capital. Partners only need to purchase the minimum amount of pulsa stock to get started, which is much less than what is required to start other types of businesses.

Flexible working hours

Partners have the freedom to work at their own pace and on their own schedule. This makes it easy to balance work with other commitments, such as family and personal time.

High earning potential

Because partners earn commissions on their sales and the sales of their downlines, there is a huge earning potential with Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur. Partners who work hard and build a strong network of downlines can earn a sustainable income.

Access to profitable products

Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur offers a wide range of pulsa products that are in high demand. This means that partners have access to profitable products that customers are willing to buy.


1. How much do I need to invest to become a partner?

The minimum investment to become a partner is Rp 100,000. This will give you a starting stock of pulsa that you can sell to customers.

2. How much commission can I earn as a partner?

The commission that you can earn as a partner depends on your sales performance and the performance of your downlines. You can earn up to 15% commission on your sales, and up to 10% commission on the sales of your downlines.

3. How do I market the pulsa products to customers?

There are many ways to market the pulsa products to customers, such as social media, word of mouth, and flyers. Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur also provides marketing materials that partners can use to promote their products.

4. Can I work part-time as a partner?

Yes, you can work part-time as a partner. You have the freedom to set your own working hours and schedule.

5. Can I recruit other people to become partners?

Yes, you can recruit other people to become partners. When you recruit someone, they become your downline, and you can earn commissions on their sales as well.


Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur offers a unique opportunity for people who want to start their own pulsa businesses. The business model is based on the concept of synergy, where partners benefit from the efforts of everyone in the system. It has low startup costs, flexible working hours, and a high earning potential. By partnering with Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur, you can become part of a community of successful entrepreneurs who all support each other in their businesses.

Video:Bisnis Pulsa Yusuf Mansur