Bisnis Ayam Geprek

Hello Sobat Bisnis, have you ever heard of bisnis ayam geprek? This recent trend has been taking the culinary world by storm, especially in Indonesia. Bisnis ayam geprek is a type of fast food that originated from Surabaya and has now spread across the nation. In this article, we will explore everything about bisnis ayam geprek, from its history to how to start your own business. So, let’s dive in!

1. Sejarah Ayam Geprek

Bisnis ayam geprek originates from Surabaya, the capital city of East Java. The dish was first introduced by a street food vendor in the 90s. The vendor came up with a new way to prepare fried chicken by crushing the chicken with a pestle and mortar and adding a spicy sauce. The dish quickly became a hit among the locals and gained popularity throughout the years.

Despite its humble beginnings, ayam geprek has now become a culinary phenomenon in Indonesia. It is available in many restaurants and food trucks across the country, gaining a loyal following among the young and old alike. Bisnis ayam geprek has also inspired new variations, such as ayam geprek cheese, ayam geprek sambal matah, and many more.

But what makes ayam geprek so special? Let’s move to the next heading.

2. Keunikan Ayam Geprek

Ayam geprek is a dish that is simple, yet satisfying. The dish consists of fried or grilled chicken that is pounded flat and served with a spicy sauce made from chili, garlic, and other condiments. The spice level can be adjusted to your liking, making it suitable for all taste buds.

One of the unique selling points of ayam geprek is its texture. The chicken is pounded flat, resulting in a crispy and crunchy outer layer, while still maintaining the juicy and tender meat inside. The spicy sauce adds an extra kick to the dish, making it a perfect comfort food for any occasion.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s move on to how to start a bisnis ayam geprek.

3. Cara Memulai Bisnis Ayam Geprek

Starting a bisnis ayam geprek can be a profitable venture, especially since it is a popular dish among Indonesians. Here are some tips on how to start your own bisnis ayam geprek.

3.1. Menentukan Konsep

Pertama-tama, Anda harus menentukan konsep bisnis ayam geprek Anda. Apakah akan membuka gerai khusus ayam geprek atau menjualnya di food truck? Apakah akan menyajikan variasi ayam geprek lain selain ayam geprek original? Memiliki konsep yang jelas dapat membantu Anda membedakan bisnis ayam geprek Anda dari pesaing.

3.2. Membuat Business Plan

Setelah menentukan konsep bisnis ayam geprek Anda, Anda perlu membuat business plan. Business plan akan membantu Anda merencanakan bisnis Anda secara lebih terperinci, seperti modal yang dibutuhkan, lokasi bisnis, harga jual, dan target pasar.

3.3. Mencari Supplier Bahan Baku

Untuk menjaga kualitas ayam geprek Anda, Anda perlu mencari supplier bahan baku yang terpercaya. Pastikan bahan baku yang digunakan segar dan berkualitas.

3.4. Mempelajari Teknik Memasak dan Saus Ayam Geprek

Untuk membuat ayam geprek yang enak, Anda perlu mempelajari teknik memasak dan membuat saus ayam geprek yang pas. Anda bisa mempelajari teknik memasak dan membuat saus ayam geprek melalui panduan online, mengikuti pelatihan, atau mencari mentor yang berpengalaman dalam bisnis ayam geprek.

3.5. Menentukan Harga Jual

Setelah memiliki konsep, business plan, supplier bahan baku, dan mempelajari teknik memasak dan membuat saus ayam geprek, Anda perlu menentukan harga jual yang kompetitif. Harga jual perlu mencakup biaya bahan baku, biaya produksi, dan keuntungan yang diinginkan.

Those are some tips to start your own bisnis ayam geprek. Now let’s move on to the next heading which is the profitability of bisnis ayam geprek.

4. Profitabilitas Bisnis Ayam Geprek

Bisnis ayam geprek has a high profit potential due to its popularity among Indonesians. The profit margin can vary depending on various factors such as the location, rent, price range, target market, marketing strategy, and many more. However, on average, a single serving of ayam geprek can be sold for around IDR 15,000-25,000 with a profit margin of around 30-40%.

If you are able to sell around 100-200 servings per day, your revenue could range between IDR 1,500,000 to IDR 5,000,000 per day, depending on the price range and cost structure. A successful bisnis ayam geprek can generate a high return on investment (ROI) within a short period of time.

5. Jenis-Jenis Ayam Geprek

Bisnis ayam geprek has a variety of options to suit your taste preferences. Here are some of the popular types of ayam geprek:

5.1. Ayam Geprek Original

The original ayam geprek consists of crispy and spicy fried chicken that is pounded flat and served with a spicy sauce made from chili, garlic, and other condiments. It is a classic dish that can satisfy your cravings.

5.2. Ayam Geprek Cheese

Ayam geprek cheese is a variation of ayam geprek that is topped with melted cheese. The combination of the crispy chicken and melted cheese creates a unique and delicious flavor that is perfect for cheese lovers.

5.3. Ayam Geprek Sambal Matah

Ayam geprek sambal matah is a type of ayam geprek that is served with a special sambal made from shallots, lemongrass, chili, and other herbs. The sambal matah adds a fresh and spicy flavor to the dish, making it perfect for those who love a little bit of heat.

Those are some of the popular types of ayam geprek. Now let’s move on to the next heading, which is FAQ.

6. FAQ

6.1. Apa Itu Ayam Geprek?

Ayam geprek adalah hidangan cepat saji yang terdiri dari ayam goreng yang dipukul pipih dan disajikan dengan saus pedas yang terbuat dari cabai, bawang putih, dan bumbu lainnya.

6.2. Bagaimana Cara Memulai Bisnis Ayam Geprek?

Anda bisa memulai bisnis ayam geprek dengan menentukan konsep bisnis, membuat business plan, mencari supplier bahan baku, mempelajari teknik memasak dan saus ayam geprek, serta menentukan harga jual yang kompetitif.

6.3. Berapa Harga Jual Ayam Geprek?

Harga jual ayam geprek per porsi bisa bervariasi tergantung pada lokasi, rentang harga, dan target pasar. Namun, secara rata-rata, ayam geprek bisa dijual seharga IDR 15,000-25,000 per porsi dengan margin keuntungan sekitar 30-40%.

6.4. Apa Keuntungan Bisnis Ayam Geprek?

Bisnis ayam geprek memiliki potensi keuntungan yang tinggi karena popularitasnya di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Jika dikelola dengan baik, bisnis ayam geprek bisa menghasilkan ROI yang tinggi dalam waktu singkat.

6.5. Apa Saja Jenis-Jenis Ayam Geprek?

Beberapa jenis ayam geprek yang populer di antaranya adalah ayam geprek original, ayam geprek cheese, dan ayam geprek sambal matah. Masing-masing memiliki cita rasa yang khas dan bisa disesuaikan dengan selera Anda.

That’s all for our article about bisnis ayam geprek. We hope that you find this article informative and helpful for your bisnis ayam geprek. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and happy cooking!

Video:Bisnis Ayam Geprek